
AIchor's pricing model is designed to provide flexibility based on your compute usage. You only pay for the compute resources you consume.
Additionally, we offer discounts as your usage exceeds certain thresholds, making it even more affordable for high-volume or long-running operations.
This tiered pricing structure is ideal for businesses seeking a cost-effective solution that adapts to their growing computational needs.

AIchor pricing model

Consumption Public price
CPU (1 hour) $0.01500
GPU (1 hour) $1.50000
RAM (1 Go) $0.00200

Hosted Model - Resources Costs

Consumption (Per hour) Description Costs in $
CPU CPU usage on the external Data Plane 0.019
GPUs H100 80GB GPU usage on the external Data Plane 5.97
GPUs A100 40GB GPU usage on the external Data Plane 1.37
GPUs A100 80GB GPU usage on the external Data Plane 2.03
GPUs Quadro-RTX-4000 GPU usage on the external Data Plane 0.30
GPUs V100 32G GPU usage on the external Data Plane 1.19
RAM RAM usage on the external Data Plane 0.054
Storage(TB) CEPH Storage on the external Data Plane 0.0005